A very easy, yet elegant, dish to make any night of the week. Mushrooms bathed in butter with just the right touch of seasonings. Add some wonderful sauce...
This pear pasta dish is a delicious combination of the unique flavor of Gorgonzola cheese and the sweetness of fresh pears. Brush the pear cubes with lemon...
To me this is the ultimate comfort food. The spiciness of the chicken is complemented by the smooth creaminess of the Alfredo sauce. Delicious with a nice...
Baked ricotta honestly rivals the whole baked feta thing. It's such a simple, easy-to-make dish that's so delicious. Garnish with fresh herbs and/or some...
This recipe is a nod to a local Italian eatery. The sauce is a labor of love and your choice of protein such as sliced Italian sausage or sliced grilled...
This is one of my go-to recipes for leftover spiral ham. I like it with a bite-sized pasta as opposed to fettuccini because I like to have it all mixed...
This is an easy and delicious recipe with low fat ingredients! Pasta shape can be changed as well as soup and vegetables to one's liking! Try cream of...
From my friend Tasneem - an easy recipe to prepare, resulting in a downright sophisticated dish. Asparagus and pasta are tossed with a cheesy mushroom...
I am always looking for new ways to use Brussels sprouts. People always claim they had Brussels sprouts once and hated them, but I have converted several...
I am always looking for new ways to use Brussels sprouts. People always claim they had Brussels sprouts once and hated them, but I have converted several...
This is a creamy pasta that's not too heavy, featuring artichoke hearts plus a hint of heat from spicy soy chorizo and jalapeno. This goes great with a...
An easy weeknight recipe and an interesting variation on plain tomato sauce. Clam juice adds a nice salty bite without tasting 'fishy,' and lime juice...
This is an easy, nutritious, warm, and slightly nutty pasta dish that pairs well with just about any meat. This recipe is very adaptable. Want garlic or...
An easy weeknight recipe and an interesting variation on plain tomato sauce. Clam juice adds a nice salty bite without tasting 'fishy,' and lime juice...
Tony is my husband. He brought home a recipe he had gotten from someone at work, and it was adapted over time to this recipe--so I named it Tony's Summer...
These buttered noodles are simple and quick. Pasta is tossed with butter, parsley, and Parmesan cheese. A wonderful recipe to make when you don't feel...
Chicken Alfredo 'dirtied up' a bit. Delicious, and anyone can make it. Kids love it, and it is a real treat. Serve with mozzarella garlic bread for an...
Mixing herbs like mint and basil with asparagus and peas creates a tasty summer dish. This is one of my favorite things to eat on a hot summer day! Goes...
The quick, high-temperature cooking method for the broccoli gives it a deep, earthy flavor. The broccoli combines with onions, garlic, feta cheese, white...
Simple dish, easily and quickly prepared, that can be served on its own for a complete meal. Orzo pasta resembles a short grain white rice, but takes less...
One of my earliest memories of my grandma was her homemade noodles. Now, as a chef and father, I combine my memories into this simple dish I make with...
This rich and flavorful sauce is the perfect match for bitter radicchio. It is incredibly easy to make and goes well with any type of (preferably fresh)...
This is a delightfully easy and creamy dish that tickles the palate. It combines fresh, nutritious, and easy-to-find vegetables like sugar snap peas and...